McCain defends robocalls

McCain continues to talk about Bill Ayers, although the American people are obviously sick of it. In an interview with the CBS Early Show, he defended the robocalls that link Obama with Ayers.

From the New York Times Caucus blog:

“That robocall is absolutely accurate,” Mr. McCain told CBS’s Harry Smith. “And, by the way, Senator Obama is running robocalls as we speak. He’s running an ad that’s untrue about my immigration position, about stem cell research and about several other issues.”

Mr. McCain added: “He was friends with a terrorist and his wife and we need to know the full relationship.”

When Mr. Smith asked Senator McCain about comments his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin made that were critical of the robocalls, Mr. McCain replied: “Sarah is a maverick.”

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

1 Comment:

Rovito said...

I wish I lived in a battleground state so I could get robocalls.

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