The Physics of Michael Phelps

Now this type of Physics is Phun.

From the Kansas City Star:

How to explain the physics of Phelps? British swimmer Simon Burnett told U.S. men's coach Eddie Reese his theory.

"He was saying to me, 'I think I've figured out Michael Phelps,"' Reese said. "'He is not from another planet; he is from the future. His father made him and made a time machine. Sixty years from now he is an average swimmer, but he has come back in time to mop up."'

Phelps, 23, has set 30 world records since he was 15. He continues to lop huge chunks off his own marks. He wins not by knuckles but by body lengths. In swimming, these are Secretariat-like margins of victory.

Friday, August 15, 2008

1 Comment:

Joel said...

I heard that last summer, in preparation for the Olympics, Micheal Phelps was swimming upstream in the Appalachian Mountains on day when a water moccasin bit him on his freakeshly well developed abs.

After four days of agonizing pain the snake finally died.

(Stolen, revised)

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