Topless Cindy McCain?

The pastor who officiated Jenna Bush's wedding recently spoke out against McCain's comments about Cindy going topless.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Joel said...

Is the human body not made is God's image? The celebration of the flesh, properly consummated, is nothing less than a celebration of the holy.

Little Tegan said...

I think its ridiculous that some crunchy old dude would get all up in arms about a COMMENT made abut a hypothetical topless situation.

But - it is correct that this demonstrates a fundamental difference between Barack and McCain. Barack would never talk about Michelle going topless, not because he has anything against toplessness, but because he respects his wife. He doesn't need to talk about her hot body in front of a national audience, because he appreciates her in a more meaningful way.

But are any of us surprised that McCain is a pig? I'm sure not!

Rene & Kelley said...

Not only did McCain talk about her going topless, according to some, he's even called her a cunt.

Classy man.

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