Straight Talk Express Off Rails...Again, Again

I'm about 10 hours late to this story so you all might have seen it already, but if not it's another instance of John McCain, who was once a prisoner of war, embellishing facts to make a better story.

The skinny: In 1991, Cindy McCain rescued two Bangladeshi girls at the behest of Mother Theresa, one of whom, Bridget, the McCains subsequently adopted. Or at least that's what the McCains, part of whom was once a prisoner of war, would have us believe. Turns out, it's not true.

Mother Theresa was not at the orphanage. She did not urge the McCains to rescue or adopt the children. In fact, it's not even clear if Cindy McCain met Mother Theresa on her trip. But that didn't stop McCain, POW, from saying just that on his website. When the CSM contacted the campaign about the story they revised the site to reflect the truth.

Final word from John Hawkins from Right Wing News:

People will add a little detail here or there to make a story better, but it doesn't look good when a politician does it -- and since John McCain has repeated the story, it looks like Mr. "Straight Talk" is going to end up having to explain on the campaign trail why he and his wife fudged a story about something as intimate as the circumstances under which they came to adopt their own daughter. They should know better than that.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


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