Good Obama Line

Today John McCain, in responding to the Wall Street crisis, said that, as president, he would fire the head of the SEC.

(Which is nice except that as president he doesn't have the authority to fire the head of the SEC. Those damn details!)

To which Obama said at a rally:

[McCain] said that he is calling for the firing of the Security and Exchange Commissioner. Well I think that is all fine and good, but here is what I say: In 47 days, you can fire the whole Trickle-Down, On-Your-Own, Look-the-Other-Way crowd in Washington who has led us down this disastrous path. Don’t just get rid of one guy, get rid of this administration, get rid of this philosophy, get rid of the do-nothing approach to problems and put someone in there who is going to fight for you.
Putting the election in terms of business -- "you can fire" -- does some potentially important legwork for his rather vague "change" platform that might resurrect it from the land of banality. He's grounding the call for change in the language of the economy, thus moving the economic issues into the fore, and casting the voters as the agents of that change. Were my brain not fried I'd do the intellectual work of teasing out how this is different from what he has previously been saying about change and agency, but I trust that you all know what I'm getting at.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


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