Gross Insanity

From Washington Monthly:

CNN had an item yesterday about its latest national poll, and included this fascinating tidbit.

Is it fair to raise questions about her experience?

"A majority of women say yes, but it's close; men are slightly less likely to see those questions as fair game," said CNN polling director Keating Holland.
I suppose reasonable people can disagree about whether Palin has the requisite experience to hold national office -- correct answer: no -- but CNN asked whether it was unfair to even ask the question in the first place.

Remarkable -- not for the fact that CNN asked the question but for the fact that CNN felt is was a question worth asking. That, in a nutshell, is the story of this election. Judging from the results, millions of Americans think it is unreasonable to raise questions about Palin's experience. Insane.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


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