Ohio Newspaper Endorsement Watch

The Canton Repository: Obama

The United States is moving in the wrong direction. That is what the polls say. What do you think? We think that the United States is moving in many wrong directions.

On Main Street, families are watching their homes and retirement savings lose value while the cost of their most basic needs goes up and up. On Wall Street, a hands-off approach to oversight of financial institutions has led to the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Halfway around the world, the United States remains mired in a country it should never have invaded.

Stark Countians rightly want change in Washington. The Repository editorial board believes that the presidential candidate who can deliver on this demand is Democrat Barack Obama.
The Springfield News-Sun: Obama
It's time for a change and that change cannot be delivered by the Republican candidate who has voiced no real split with the policies of the Bush years.

The News-Sun Editorial Board is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama as the best hope for the nation to return to prosperity and to regain its standing in the world.

Obama is clearly a smart, caring, committed candidate for the job of president.

His detractors call him an elitist. A good education, a tendency to analyze problems and the ability to speak in complete sentences are hardly bad qualities to have in a president. Bringing peace to the Middle East or fixing a national economy are complicated tasks.

The Findlay Courier: McCain

From the beginning, McCain seemed to comprehend far better than the Bush administration that Iraq was a huge project. He knew more troops were needed, and called for such long before the "surge" was implemented.

McCain's military background is perhaps the greatest asset he brings to the presidency. He understands the principles on which this nation was founded and he's utterly committed to America. He has a realistic view of nations like Russia and Iran, but also would use caution before pushing us into another war; he knows first-hand what wars do to our military. He has shown courage and fortitude, and would continue to do so as president.

It's worth pointing out that McCain lacks the negative baggage his opponent carries: the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, ACORN, etc.

In addition, without a Republican in the White House, there will be virtually no check on the Democratic Congress led by Sen. Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Nothing would stop them from enacting an extremely liberal social agenda as well as further socializing the nation.

If we want the economy to be free to grow again; if we want even a chance of returning this nation to its founding values; if we want America to be strong again and respected if not loved by other countries, we will elect John McCain as the 44th president of the United States.

Monday, October 13, 2008


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