Palin-Biden Debate Live Blog

Vanity Fair is a few hours ahead of the world as they've already posted a live blog of tonight's debate. Choice cuts:
8:32PM: Senator Biden
has just entered the Athletic Complex. It should be noted this debate
is being broadcast in HD. The level of detail is astounding. On my
high-def television I can actually see that Biden's hair is colorless,
like that of a polar bear.

9:03PM: Here we go…Gwen Ifill just set the ground
rules for the debate. 90 seconds for each answer, followed by a
two-minute discussion of each question, and two minutes each for
closing statements. She also instructed the audience not to applaud
after any of the candidates' responses and, similarly, to refrain from
gasping in disbelief or posing rhetorical questions out loud, such as,
"Are you fucking kidding me?" or "Seriously, how fucked are we if
McCain dies in office?"

9:40PM: To her credit, Palin just took a very
assured, impassioned, and practical stand on how the United States must
deal with terrorism overseas to protect our security at home. I'm
embarrassed to admit it, but the analogy she made about the Statue of
Liberty shaking her fist was actually very evocative.

9:42PM: UPDATE - Never mind. She was just reciting lyrics from a Toby Keith song. It's true. I checked

10:18PM: After a question about the appropriateness of
cross-border attacks in Pakistan, Palin asked if Pakistan was "the one
with all the Indians" and then asked to have her comments stricken from
the record. When this request was denied, she asked if she could "use
the Internet for a quick sec," and once again is denied. For remainder
of her 90 seconds, she just showed everyone photos of her children.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


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