McCain, POW

It never stops:

LENO: Welcome back, Sen. McCain, for one million dollars, how many houses do you have?

MCCAIN: You know, could I just mention to you, Jay, and a moment of seriousness. I spent five and a half years in a prison cell, without—I didn’t have a house, I didn’t have a kitchen table, I didn’t have a table, I didn’t have a chair. And I spent those five and a half years, because—not because I wanted to get a house when I got out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Rene & Kelley said...

I heard this on NPR this morning.
It never ceases to amaze me how low he'll go.

Rovito said...

Did what McCain said even make sense?

Joel said...

It's hard to make sense when you're both becoming senile and are force fed talking points all day long. If he had a conscious about these things that would certainly help, though.

Rovito said...

I suppose at his age you can't really formulate your own opinions. That would explain why he seems to be echoing the same things that have been said for the past eight years.

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