My Cynical Palin Thoughts

After looking at a few photographs of her I think there’s a glaring issue: She’s young and attractive. I wonder how much this will come across as a ‘newer, better’ version of that other female statesman whose named was batted around for the Vice Presidency. Palin clearly doesn’t have Hillary’s record on substantive issues. With that hollow core she might smack many voters as a pretty face, which could be a huge backfire when you’re clearly targeting Hillary voters.

Speaking of a pretty face, this isn't the first time that McCain has gone for a young, beautiful woman, although I would not suggest that he married Cindy McCain for purely political motives. That said, there will certainly be a trophy wife aspect to the GOP ticket.

McCain turns 72 today. He was a prisoner of war. He cannot be in the best of health. But he just chose a woman who's been governor for three minutes to be his successor should tragedy strike. That damages his 'lack of experience' attack on Obama.

Joe Biden is a huge talker, often to the point of blunder. So does anyone expect that he'll be deft enough in a debate not to come across as mean? Yes, this is a gender issue. If he piles on too much there will certainly be political fallout.

This pick signals that McCain thinks he cannot win without courting disenfranchised Hillary Democrats. So in that light it's a reactionary pick that makes him look weak. However, nothing from the die hard HRC supports inspires confidence in me that they wouldn't vote GOP just to spite the DNC.

Friday, August 29, 2008

1 Comment:

Rovito said...

Well said. I never expected him to pick Palin. His whole campaign promise of "experience" just flew out the window.

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