SmartBike Chicago?

Washington DC has just become home to an interesting new community bike sharing program called BikeShare DC. You register, pay a fee, and then have access to bikes you can use to get around the city. It's a pretty great idea. I wonder if it would work in Chicago. Rene would probably be better able to answer this, but my feeling is that Chicago is not biker friendly. Along the lake there are ample bike paths, but the farther you move in the less suited to biking Chicago becomes. Which is both unfortunate and odd. For a city with robust neighborhoods those neighborhoods are awfully cramped with cars and are laid out in one direction (north). Getting from many popular neighborhoods to downtown requires a litte ride.

Monday, August 25, 2008

1 Comment:

Rene & Kelley said...

We just wrote about the Velib program in Paris, which is pretty similar. Check it out in the September issue of PM Network.

Chicago is wicked bike friendly, and Daley wanted to start a program like this here, but the rumor is that the insurance costs were too high.

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