What The Convention Means

Marc Ambinder has a smart post on what Obama needs to accomplish at the DNC Convention: get Democrats to vote for him. Those are the voters McCain is targeting right now and those are the voters Obama would like to solidfy as his supporters.

As has been pointed out to me by Rene countless times, during this voting cycle more people identify as Democrats than as Republicans. This is why Obama leads in the polls even though he is doing worse among Democrats than McCain is among Republicans (80% vs 85%). The cleanest path to the White House for Obama is to get them to vote against John McCain because he's a Republican and they are Democrats. So Obama and the DNC will be trumpeting Obama's Democratness during the convention and reminding voters at every turn that McCain is a Republican.

Monday, August 25, 2008

1 Comment:

Rene & Kelley said...

This week, the DNC needs to do a good job of showing people that Obama has their best interests at heart, even if he "looks different" and comes from a "different place."

The BBC did a great segment on this last night and if O can just get it through to people that he's just like them, all will be well.

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