Good Point

Sullivan on Palin saying she didn't consult with her eldest son before accepting the VP nomination:

And the other weird detail, of course, is her dismissal of Track's views because he would be in Iraq "doing his thing." In fact, an active duty soldier would have plenty of reason to be consulted about the possibility of his mother becoming vice-president. It could compromise his ability to blend in, require possible extra security protection, and perhaps jeopardize his chance to be in combat.
I think this is critical. Who better to target, either for murder or, possibly worse, for kidnapping, than the son of the vice president of the United States? Having Track in combat exposes him to risks above and beyond those of his fellow soldiers, and the potential social/tactical issues attendant with being such a high target are worrisome, at least if you're the dude's mom.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


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