What's Daddy's Roommate Doing in Wasilla?

As we commemorate Banned Books Week September 27-October 4, we are reminded of the many attempts to restrict our right to read.

(This post comes with a special shout-out to my mama, Marianne Ryan, associate dean for learning at Purdue Libraries.)

Faced with such dilemmas, librarians know that even the threat of censorship imposes a chilling effect on those who risk their jobs and reputations when they dare to confront efforts to deny the public's right to hold and receive diverse opinions. When we observe Banned Books Week this year, we celebrate heroes like the former librarian of Wasilla, Alaska, whose courage represents a measure of freedom. Fortunately, in public libraries across the United States, books, hated by some but loved by others, remain on the shelves because of the dedication and commitment of librarians like Mary Ellen Emmons, who proudly uphold their principles, even when called upon to stand up to those who bully and abuse power.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

1 Comment:

Joel said...

I'm not one for gloating (yes I am) but I hope if Obama wins he invites the Wasilla librarian to his inaugural.

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