Who's bankrolling whom?

An interesting graphic from the Trib. Highlights:

Lawyers, doctors, consultants, educators, scientists and more artsy types like actors, writers and musicians tend to put their money on Obama. McCain is winning the cash race among homemakers, as well as farmers and ranchers and those who work in the oil and gas industry. Meanwhile, donors who list their professions as some variation of business executive seem split depending on what title they claim.

One surprise involves donors with military ties. McCain is the candidate with the strong military résumé, yet Obama has received more in contributions from uniformed and civilian military personnel. Another twist: Obama has taken in far more than McCain from those who say they are pilots or aviators—$146,821 to $92,722. McCain was a naval aviator who was shot down and held prisoner during the Vietnam War.

Friday, September 19, 2008


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