Crib Sheet For Palin

Tonight CBS will air the portion of Couric's interview with Sarah Palin in which she fails to name a Supreme Court case other than Roe vs. Wade. Since she may very well be our next vice president I figured it was my civil duty to provide her with a quick cheat sheet should the Supreme Court ever come up again.

Marbury v. Madison: Supreme Court can overrule Congress.

United States v. Nixon: President not above the law.

Plessy v. Ferguson: Separate but equal.

Brown v Board of Education: Segregation unconstitutional; overturns Plessy.

Miranda v. Arizona: Police must inform suspects of their right to remain silent, consult attorney.

DC v. Heller: Individuals can possess a handguns.

Boumedine v Bush: Prisoners have right to habeas corpus.

Bush v. Gore: Votes must be counted, but shouldn't be recounted.

Dred Scott v. I Can't Remember: Blacks cannot be citizens.

Now, a confession: This is the complete list of Supreme Court cases I could come up with off the top of my head. I know of others, but not necessarily the name of the case. And I know other names, but not necessarily the decision. I also had to look up how to spell "Boumedine" because I cannot spell to save my life (right, Rene?). And it's Dred Scott v. Stanford.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


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