Idiot Obama

From Politico:

Obama told the crowd that McCain and Palin spent most of the convention talking about their biographies.

Palin's bio is "compelling," Obama said.

The crowd booed. "No, it's an interesting story." More boos. "No, no, it is. I mean that sincerely. Mother, governor, moose shooter."

The crowd broke out in laughter. "That's cool. That's cool. That's cool stuff," Obama said.

Obama is not going to win by courting gun owners, he's not going to win by courting hunters, but he certainly will lose if he is disrespectful to those two groups. This comment pokes fun at an aspect of her biography that many, many, many voters appreciate, not to mention that many of these voters live in swing states like Ohio, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Virginia. This is a tacky line of attack on a candidate who's lack of qualification is galling. Obama ought to leave the window dressing to his delegates. This is just weak and probably counterproductive.

Why not attack on Palin on something that matters, something substantial, like her complete misunderstanding of Fannie/Freddie? Obama's strength is the economy and the VP on the opposition ticket just made a gaffe that would sink Senators, let alone Vice Presidents. Yet I've yet to hear one soundbite out of the Obama camp about Palin not knowing about a) how Fannie/Freddie work or b) about how the government bailout is going to work. If she's so concerned about the economy, how can she not afford to spend some time reading up on one of the central issues of the economic/housing crisis?

Monday, September 8, 2008


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