Republicans > Alaskans > Democrats

Sarah Palin arrived in Alaska last night. The Alaskan Republican party organized a rally to welcome her back. The rally was open to the public, but the organizers asked that only Palin supporters attend. Said spokesman McHugh Pierre: “If you don’t, we’re encouraging you not to come. We’re Alaskans first here.”

First of all: Is McHugh Pierre an alias? That can't be a real name.

Second of all: Is he implying that supporting Obama means you aren't Alaskan and, by extension, American?

That's probably the cynical view. (Ok: That is the cynical view.) But it's made awfully easy to hold when it's the Republican party organizing the rally and not some apolitical Alaskan group. The rally was clearly for Republicans. In that context, yes, the quote sure does sound like McHugh Pierre is saying that not supporting Palin is an act of treason against the great state of Alaska.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


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