Talking about Bush

Tonight on Letterman, Elizabeth Banks, a total cutie, discussed what it was like to film the new Oliver Stone movie, W, which opens October 17. (Random side note, but I had dinner with Oliver Stone in 1998 and he totally hit on me in that gross I'm 55 and totally coked out, let me grab your hand and rub your arm while I'm falling down the stairs, sweating profusely kind of way. But I still like his movies.)

While filming, Ms. Banks met President George W. Bush at his Crawford, Texas ranch. She was with her husband, a recent business school graduate, who was looking for a job. According to Ms. Banks, President Bush asked about her husband's job search and then said, "Oh yeah, I need to get this economy going."

Ms. Banks was lovely enough to point out that this was in ... 2003.

Friday, October 10, 2008


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