And Someone Better Call Him on This, too

From the HuffPo:

John McCain declared on Wednesday that he would suspend his run for the White House and return to Washington to help resolve the country's economic crisis. But while the candidate himself left the trail, the campaign itself is decidedly still open for business.

Across the country, McCain campaign offices are up and running, accepting volunteers, conducting phone banking, literature dropping and other GOTV activities. This held true on a local, state, and even regional level. The Huffington Post called up 15 McCain-Palin and McCain Victory Committee headquarters in various battleground states. Not one said that it was temporarily halting operations because of the supposed "suspension" in the campaign. Several, in fact, enthusiastically declared the continuation of their work. Others hadn't even heard that the candidate for whom they were devoting their time had officially stopped campaigning.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


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