Bunch of crap

If only Rene had waited to post about her favorite magazine. Good Magazine has followed in the footsteps of Radiohead and removed their $20 subscription fee in favor of people paying whatever they want. Now you have no excuse for not subscribing. (I did right after she posted for the full $20.)

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Joel said...

Wahoo! I can afford it now.

Rene & Kelley said...

Man. That's too bad. Unless, of course, they see that people actually continue to give $20+.
The point is to raise money for charity, while also receiving an amazing magazine, not to get a magazine for free. Boo. Or are they off-setting their charitable donations in any other way?

Rovito said...

I think they're hoping people still donate $20. I'm not really upset. I'll gladly donate my subscription fee to whoever it was I donated it to.

Joel said...

I need a government bailout. When that happens, I'll pay for another magazine. My out of pocket charitable giving has already been atlotted for this year.

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